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"RAGE. will make you want to riot, fight your dad, cry, and fuck a bitch all at the same time."
-My friend Marc

Back when I was 17 I really wanted to be in a band. Kurt Cobain, as for many others I'm sure, made me feel like I could make music. After I randomly heard "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on a Pandora My Chemical Romance station I purchased an acoustic guitar and started callousing my fingers trying to learn "Man Who Sold the World" and "Love Buzz". 


Fast forward a bit, I'm 19, and I finally came to realize that being in a band fucking sucks. I'd much rather be a solo act and not have to worry about other people's schedules and musical inputs. I would dedicate my life to rap. It was after all my first passion as far as music was concerned. I grew up on Eminem, Biggie, Outkast, all that good stuff. 


And now here I am, 20 years old, still trying to figure out the world. My music the only thing I've got going for me, and as of now it's not exactly going. Welcome to my journey to financial stability and self enlightenment.

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